Background and project objective
The main objective of Newclim is to develop a teaching unit and digital platform with open source educational materials on climate change and more sustainable practices in agriculture, especially for the permanent crops apple and grape.
Further information at:
Project data
Project period
Contact person
Contact us now!
Prof. Dr. Jochen Bogs
Professor of Plant Physiology and Viticulture
A2 - 161 +49 0 6321 671-482 +49 0 6321 671-514 jochen.bogs☞ Please insert an @ at this point ☜dlr.rlp☞ Please insert a period at this point ☜de
Prof. Dr. Dominik Durner
Professor of Food Technology and Enology / Head of Dual Bachelor of Viticulture & Enology
A2 - 192F +49 0 6321 671-227 +49 0 6321 671-514 dominik.durner☞ Please insert an @ at this point ☜hs-kl☞ Please insert a period at this point ☜de