Development of an assessment of yeast vitality during winemaking - smartphone microscopy
Monitoring microbial activity during winemaking is of utmost importance. As a central biotechnological process, alcoholic fermentation has a decisive influence on winemaking. In order to ensure successful and complete fermentation without fermentation disturbances, it is crucial that the yeasts responsible for this work optimally. Only in this way can the maximum potential of the grapes be exploited: even a vintage with the best conditions will result in an inferior wine if fermentation is poor. Nevertheless, yeast activity is usually only assessed indirectly on the basis of fermentation progress. One reason for this is the lack of a direct, simple way to determine cell count and viability in the cellar. The Oculyze system enables direct microbial monitoring during fermentation using a smartphone. The project is funded by the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF). The innovative software automatically evaluates images via a cloud-based smartphone app and thus quickly provides specific information about the yeast cell counts contained in the wine and their viability. In combination with other fermentation control methods, this provides a more accurate picture of the current state of fermentation and, if necessary, allows direct intervention to correct or even prevent undesirable fermentation disturbances.
Funded by: Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM), industry partner: Oculyze, funding code: ZF4062406SK8