76th Palatinate Winegrowing Days
The Palatinate Winegrowing Days 2023 will take place in the Saalbau in Neustadt. You can look forward to lectures, discussions and wine tastings, which you can follow on site on both days: https://www.pfälzische-weinbautage.de
You must register in advance to take part in the further education program at: www.dlr.rlp.de/Sachkunde/Fort-oder-Furthereducation/Fortbildungstermine/DLR07401
76th Palatinate Winegrowing Days 2023 - "Costs are rising - how to react?"
Tuesday, 17 January 2023, 9.00 a.m. Moderation: Dr. Andreas Kortekamp
Opening: Ökonomierat Norbert Schindler, President of the LWK Rhineland-Palatinate
Dr. Daniela Kameke
"The ghost in the web: the moth - infestation and infestation prevention"
Dr. Sabine Fabich (Ministry WVLW)
"Proposed EU regulation on the sustainable use of plant protection products (SUD) - Current status and impact on viticulture"
Gottfried Bleyer (WBI, Freiburg)
"VitiMeteo - Internet portal for sustainable plant protection"
Dr. Andreas Kortekamp xml Full of pitfalls in the field - closing the gap in the framework for the approval of plant protection products"
Dr. Ruth Walter
"OidiumControl - strategies of today and challenges of tomorrow"
Richard Grünewald (Grünewald and Schnell winery), Joachim Schmidt
"Waste less! - Interesting facts and practical experience on recycling technology"
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Great Palatinate Winegrowers' Day 2023
Annual General Meeting of the Palatinate Winegrowers' Association
Tuesday, January 17, 2023, 14.00 h
Welcome Martin Freund
Report of the President Reinhold Hörner
"Wine industry in the field of tension of European and global developments"
Keynote speeches
Minister Daniela Schmitt (Ministry of Economy, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture)
Christine Schneider (MEP)
Klaus Schneider (President of the German Winegrowers' Association)
Panel discussion
Moderation Boris Kranz
Closing remarks Stephan Schindler
Wednesday, 18. January 18, 2023, 9.00 a.m. Moderation: Dr. Günter Hoos
Opening: Dr. Günter Hoos, Director of the Dienstleistungszentrum Ländlicher Raum Rheinpfalz
Viticulture | Enology
Knut Bauer, Oliver Kurz xml-ph-0
Jonas Waber,
Caterina Szmania xml-ph-0 sunburn and its influence on wine sensory analysis"
Jan Schiller, Dr. Jochen Vestner
"Water conservation in the vineyard and effects on wine quality"
Bernhard Schandelmaier
"Strategies for creating the nutritional value table and list of ingredients on wine labels, price lists and websites"
Prof. Dr. Dominik Durner
"Energy requirements in wine production - solutions in the face of the energy crisis"
Lisa Käppler, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Fischer
"Targeted vinification for quality assurance of dealcoholized wines"
Wedwednesday, January 18, 2023, 2:00 p.m.
Business Administration and Marketing
Dr. Jürgen Oberhofer xml-ph-0035@deepl.inte
Christine Freund, Marc Weber
"Opportunities to establish PIWIs sustainably and successfully on the market"
Prof. Dr. Marc Dreßler
Hildegard Runkel,
Nils Töpperwien xml-ph-0 - a Offer of the Chamber of Agriculture for business development"
Specialist wine tasting: Chardonnay in all its varieties - a robust variety in the face of climate change
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Fischer, Stefan Meyer, Dr. Pascal Wegmann-Herr
Cost contribution: € 15.00
Following the wine tasting, there will be a convivial get-together in the Saalbau with good wines from former Neustadt viticulture students. Part of the proceeds from this charity wine sale, organized by the Wine Campus Neustadt Student Council, will go to the Ukraine Aid of the City of Neustadt.