Friedrich Gennheimer Prize 2024 goes to Wine Campus student Leonie Wagner
The current difficult economic situation, high inflation and the challenges posed by the many crises and global uncertainties are leading to losses in turnover and profits for many companies. However, in terms of sustainable corporate management, it is important that companies develop strategies to successfully overcome crises and emerge stronger from them. Strategies for successful market development, customer approach and customer loyalty play a key role here, which is why the marketing and sales area in particular has an important role to play in crisis management.
Jessica Krauß received the Marketing Award for her Master's thesis entitled "CO2 reduction management in the chemical industry: analysis and conceptual design of a target system for the operationalization of strategic goals", MBA Digital Finance, Strategy & Accounting (Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society).
Leonie Wagner received the prize for viticulture, Enology and wine marketing for her Master's thesis entitled "The influence of different summer greening on drought stress and the grape and must quality of the Pinot Noir grape variety". The thesis was written in cooperation with the Jülg winery in Schweigen-Rechtenbach. It was supervised by Prof. Dr. Jochen Bogs and assistant Sebastian Hörsch. Leonie Wagner completed a Bachelor of Science in Biology at the University of Leipzig before coming to the Wine Campus for her Master's degree. In her Bachelor's thesis, Wagner investigated special plant characteristics of herbaceous plants and their ability to adapt to climatic influences.
Friedrich Wilhelm Gennheimer was born in Neustadt an der Weinstraße in 1930. The Gennheimer family is known in Neustadt under the company name Gebrüder Gennheimer Sektkellerei. His professional career began with a degree in business administration, which he completed. This was followed by a lectureship in general business administration at the vocational schools in Speyer and a transfer to the State Higher Business College in Ludwigshafen, where he also taught business administration. Just one year later, he was appointed professor at the Ludwigshafen department of the Rhineland-Palatinate University of Applied Sciences. Gennheimer taught there in the fields of marketing, human resources and training. From 1979 to 1987, he was Dean of the Ludwigshafen department and was responsible for founding the Worms department and the East Asia Institute in Ludwigshafen during this period. Gennheimer retired in 1996.
Friedrich Gennheimer passed away in 2022, leaving part of his estate to support outstanding graduates of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society in the fields of viticulture and marketing. In memory of Friedrich Gennheimer, the Friedrich Gennheimer Prize was established in 2023 together with the Haniel Foundation as the awarding institution. The Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society and the Haniel Foundation can already look back on 25 years of cooperation.