Peter Morio Prize for Grapevine Breeding goes to Prof. Dr. Jochen Bogs
Jochen Bogs was awarded the Peter Morio Prize 2022 for his outstanding scientific contribution to grapevine breeding. His numerous publications speak for his excellent scientific network both at home and abroad. His expertise is valued worldwide. Prof. Bogs teaches vine and grape physiology and biochemistry, biotechnology, vine breeding and vine nutrition at the Wine Campus Neustadt. The prize is awarded by the Gemeinschaft der Förderer und Freunde des Instituts für Rebenzüchtung Geilweilerhof e.V. The Institute for Grapevine Breeding at the Geilweilerhof site in Siebeldingen is part of the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI), the Federal Research Institute for Cultivated Plants.
In his laudatory speech, Prof. Dr. Töpfer, Head of JKI Grapevine Breeding and Managing Director of the Association, honored Prof. Bogs for his achievements. Jochen Bogs is currently researching the mechanisms by which fungus-resistant grape varieties (PIWI) defend themselves against harmful fungi. Another focus of his research is the constituents of berries and their influence on grape quality. He is currently working with vine breeders and vine protectors at the JKI on the VITIFIT project "Healthy vines in organic viticulture through research, innovation and transfer".
In recent years, Prof. Bogs has made a name for himself in particular by investigating regulatory factors and their influence on stilbene synthesis (vine defense substances) and evaluating the resistance mechanisms of new fungus-resistant grape varieties. This work has brought an enormous gain in knowledge for grapevine breeding and includes, for example, the first practice-oriented, systematic studies on minimizing the use of pesticides in PIWIs.
In his acceptance speech, Prof. Bogs gave the members of the association an exciting insight into his current work by demonstrating that varieties with different Rpv resistances react differently to the downy mildew pathogen(Plasmopara viticola).
About the Peter Morio Prize
The prize honors outstanding achievements in the field of grapevine breeding. It has been awarded every two years since 1994 by the Gemeinschaft der Förderer und Freunde des Instituts für Rebenzüchtung Geilweilerhof e.V.. It is named after Peter Morio (1887-1960), who founded the branch of the Bavarian State Institute for Wine, Fruit and Horticulture in Würzburg at the Geilweilerhof in Siebeldingen in 1926. His breeding work at Geilweilerhof gave rise to the grape varieties Bacchus, Morio Muskat, Optima and Domina , among others.
Further information on the Peter Morio Prize and this year's winner, Prof. Dr. Jochen Bogs, can be found here: