How and when can I apply?
You can apply for the dual study program (prosemester) all year round. The Viticulture & Enology degree program is admission-free. This means that prospective students will always be offered a place if they meet the formal requirements for the course (university entrance qualification, language skills, etc.) and apply in the correct form and by the deadline. The Viticulture & Enology course starts at the beginning of August.
The application deadline for the current year is July 15!
Do you have any questions about your application? Then please contact our registrar' s office by telephone daily between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. (06321 671-509) or the Wine Campus Student Council!
Please note! Enrolment at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society (HWG LU) for the first semester does not take place until the following year in the period from May 15 to July 15.
4 steps to a dual study program
General Admission requirements
Winemaker training contract
Approval of the training contract
Application to the Wine Campus
Have you found a training company?
If the training company you have selected is not yet one of our cooperation companies, we will be happy to add it to our network , provided the company is a recognized training company for winegrowers. Cooperation companies can be located in any wine-growing region in Germany. You can find a template for a cooperation agreement in the download area.
You can find all cooperating companies that offer apprenticeships as part of the dual study program at the Wine Campus Neustadt on our Dual Match training exchange.
ATTENTION: If you want to edit the "Berufsausbildungsvertrag RLP" from our download area, you must first download it to your computer and then open it with Adobe Reader.
Enrollment & Re-registration
Following the 15-month vocational training phase in the training company (prosemester), enrollment takes place at the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. The Wine Campus Neustadt is organizationally affiliated with the university. For this reason, enrollment for the Viticulture & Enology degree program takes place via the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society. You can find current information and dates for enrollmentat here.
After enrolment, you must re-register in due time each semester until you complete your studies.
Current information and dates for re-registration can be foundat here.
Sybille Juretzka
Our registrar's office
Opening hours
Registrar's office
Monday to Friday 9:00 - 12:00
Wine Campus Neustadt
Breitenweg 71
67435 Neustadt an der Weinstraße
Veronika Trum