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How and when can I apply?

You can apply to for direct entry into the Bachelor's degree program in Viticulture & Enology at from May 15 to August 31 .

The enrollment procedure is handled by our partner university in Ludwigshafen. You must thereforeapply online at via the Student Service Center of the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society . Please note the necessary application documents for direct entrants (see below).

The Viticulture & Enology degree program is admission-free. This means that prospective students will always be offered a place if they meet the formal requirements for the degree program (university entrance qualification, completed apprenticeship, language skills etc.) and apply in due form and time. The start of the degree program in Viticulture & Enology is at the beginning of November. The date for the introductory event will be announced in good time.

Application to the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society

The following documents must be uploaded to the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society with the application for enrollment, which you print out after the online application:


  • Certificate of higher education entrance qualification.

    Please note: University admission for vocationally qualified students
    Vocational qualification with an overall grade point average (from vocational qualification and vocational school certificate) of at least 2.5; the master craftsman's examination or a comparable advanced training examination also entitles the holder to study directly. Recognition of equivalent achievements acquired outside the university sector is only granted upon informal written application.
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form - chronological, without gaps and signed
  • Vocational qualification certificate for winemaker or cooper training
  • Signed declaration of commitment
  • Proof of voluntary military or alternative service, social services (if applicable)
  • Proof of transfer of the semester fee; you can find more information here.
  • Certificate of insurance from your health insurance company "for presentation to the university/enrollment"; for privately insured persons, an exemption from statutory health insurance is required
  • Passport photo for your StudiCard (student ID card) in electronic form; you can find more information at:
  • identity card

Applicants who have already studied at other universities must also submit the following:

  • Transcripts of records/grade certificates with all examination attempts
  • Official study period certificate(s) with details of the university semesters and subject semesters
  • Clearance certificate, i.e. proof from the previously attended university(s) that you are still or no longer entitled to take examinations
  • Certificate(s) of exmatriculation
  • Degree certificate

All certificates and supporting documents relevant for enrollment must be attached to the application in officially certified form. Certificates and documents not written in German can only be recognized if they are also submitted as a German translation by a court-certified or appointed interpreter.

Your data will be stored in accordance with § 67 of the Higher Education Act (HochSchG) of July 9, 2010 (GVBl. p. 167ff), as well as § 5 of the State Data Protection Act (LDatG) of July 5, 1994, latest version.

Sybille Juretzka

University for Business and Society, Ernst-Boehe-Straße 4, 67059 Ludwigshafen +49 621 5203 -332 +49 621 5203 -341 sybille.juretzka☞ Please insert an @ at this point ☜hwg-lu☞ Please insert a period at this point ☜de